Welcome to the Jefferson Muslim Association

In The Name Of Allah
The Beneficent The Merciful
The Jefferson Muslim Association was founded in 1984 by a group of concerned Muslims to address the growing needs of the local Muslim community. Initially, a small make shift location was made available in order to accommodate the Friday services and other prayers. Very quickly the need arose to have an establishment purposely built to address the community's spiritual and social needs. With sincere drive and motivation, funds were raised by many generous residents and the building known as Masjid (Mosque) Abubakr was built in 1988. This Mosque is the only purpose built structure of its kind in the greater New Orleans area thus far as its dome and single minaret beautifully illustrates.
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Our Vision
The mission of the Jefferson Muslim Association (JMA) is to provide the Muslim community with a fostering environment that promotes spiritual and devotional growth and to inspire true and meaningful worship with correct application of religious knowledge, so as to help every-day believers grow in faith and virtue.

Our Mission
The vision of JMA is to glorify God by, firstly, sharing the love and mercy of God in deeds and words, secondly, educate Muslims of the proper Islamic theology and methodology which serve as the bulwark against terrorism, extremism, and antipathy, and thirdly, to build communication and understanding with other faiths.

Prayer Times
Prayer Timings Starting FEBRUARY 1st, 2025
1:00 PM (1:30PM Sundays)
4:30 PM
7:15 PM
Jumma @ Darussalam
1:00 PM
Jumma @ Abu Bakar
1:30 PM
Support the Jefferson
Muslim Association
Contributions can be made by mail or online via Zelle. All donations are tax deductible under IRS Sec. 501(c)(3). Additionally, you may give a check or cash and drop into the donation box at Masjid Abu Bakr, or hand it to a member of the administration. Please make checks payable to Jefferson Muslim Association.
01 Via Mail
Our mailing address is:
4425 David Drive
Metairie, LA. 70003
02 Via Zelle

Our Services

Islam 101
Islam 101 is a six week course for new Muslims or non-Muslims interested in taking a more in-de...
Funeral Service
"Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return."[Qur'an 2:156]Experiencing the death of ...
Sunday School
Started by a handful of concerned sisters, the Sunday school has been in operation since 1989 s...
Youth Groups & Halaqas
The goal of the JMA Youth Group is to create a strong brotherhood/sisterhood in our community b...
Marriage Services
"And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you ma...
Special Needs Services
JMA is working with MUHSENMuslims Understanding andHelping Special Education Needs.Website: muh...