What We Provide
Islam 101
Islam 101 is a six week course for new Muslims or non-Muslims interested in taking a more ...
Funeral Service
"Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return."[Qur'an 2:156]Experiencing the deat...
Sunday School
Started by a handful of concerned sisters, the Sunday school has been in operation since 1...
Youth Groups & Halaqas
The goal of the JMA Youth Group is to create a strong brotherhood/sisterhood in our commun...

Our Services

Qur’an Classes
Regular weekdays classes are administered by qualified teachers and held at the Masjid Monday,...
Women’s Halaqa
The Wednesday Sister's Halaqa takes place at Masjid Abu Bakr from 10:30 am - 2:15 pm. It is con...
Dar As Salam Hall
This is a multi purpose facility adjacent to the Islamic School (2420 Illinois Ave. Kenner, LA ...
Islamic School of Greater New Orleans
The Jefferson Muslim Association is proud to present the Islamic School of Greater New Orleans ...
Special Needs Services
JMA is working with MUHSENMuslims Understanding andHelping Special Education Needs.Website: muh...
Marriage Services
"And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you ma...