Jefferson Muslim Association

Jeferson Muslim Association fosters unity and spiritual growth through community programs, cultural events, and worship services.

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Service Category: Services

Regular weekdays classes are administered by qualified teachers and held at the Masjid  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in 45 minute sessions from 3:45pm- 7:30pm.We have special weekend classes on Fridays, and Saturdays in one hour ...

The Wednesday Sister's Halaqa takes place at Masjid Abu Bakr from 10:30 am - 2:15 pm. It is conducted in the Arabic language and provides a learning resource for the arabic speaking sisters in the community to further their knowledge of Islam....

This is a multi purpose facility adjacent to the Islamic School (2420 Illinois Ave. Kenner, LA 70062) currently used to host Friday prayers, Islamic events, and other community and sports programs. This Hall is available to paid members of the JMA...

The Jefferson Muslim Association is proud to present the Islamic School of Greater New Orleans which has been an excellent educational resource for the muslim community and continuously strives to prepare students academically through an Islamic e...

JMA is working with MUHSENMuslims Understanding andHelping Special Education Needs....

"And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in peace and tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: Verily in that are sigs for t...

The goal of the JMA Youth Group is to create a strong brotherhood/sisterhood in our community based on the values of Islam. The Youth Group provides and environment that aims to practice respect, unity, and friendship. We work to stress the import...

Started by a handful of concerned sisters, the Sunday school has been in operation since 1989 starting with about 60 students. Today by the help of Allah, there are over 160 students attending from all over the greater New Orleans area including f...

"Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return."[Qur'an 2:156]Experiencing the death of a family member or loved one is indeed a very tragic and sad moment for any family whether here or elsewhere. However if there is a loss i...

Islam 101 is a six week course for new Muslims or non-Muslims interested in taking a more in-depth look at Islam. We cover the fundamentals of Islamic beliefs and practices, as well as contemporary topics. There is plenty of time to as...